Sex: Not Always The Most Reliable Ego Booster

Sex: Not Always The Most Reliable Ego Booster Having sex can do wonders for our self-esteem. It can make us feel attractive and loved, chase away inadequate feelings about ourselves and fulfill our needs for acceptance and connection. However, sex is not necessarily the most reliable ego-booster.

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Sexual Arousal: It’s all in your head

Sexual Arousal: It’s all in your head Heart beats faster, breathing accelerates, blood pressure rises, breasts swell, muscles tense, blood rushes to genitals causing vaginal lubrication or hardening of the penis…these are some of the changes that take place in our body when we are in that

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Porn and Relationships

Porn and Relationships Can They Be Bedmates? Is pornography creating problems in your relationship? Gone are the days when men had to either rely on the women’s undergarment section in the Sears catalog for visual stimulation or actually step out to buy their skin magazine. With pornography

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